Schokkend !! vroenhoven nico bastiaan

Schokkend !! vroenhoven nico bastiaan

Me vriend heeft daar een kamer gehuurd en vooraf was afgesproken dat hij werkt en dat ik vaak kom slapen was geen enkel probleem leken althans hele normale personen. Totdat ze me gister licht hebben mishandeld , de sleutels uit me handen hebben gepakt en me hebbem bedreigd met een geweer. Aangifte gedaan en het bleek een bekende te zijn en ze vinden hem zo gevaarlijk dat ze hem binnen 24 uur hebben opgepakt . Hij zei tegen me vriend dat hij me zou pakken die sexy vriendin van je en heeft ons met de dood bedreigd en mij licht geslagen en getrokken . Nico bastiaans op kanaalstraat 10 ter vroenhoven is een creepy man . Ik adviseer om daar niet te wonen omdat de politie zei dat hij dit vaker doet mensen na een week eruitgooien zonder reden en illegale praktijken met studenten doet. Pas op voor hem ! Heel lief en aardig maar over een week verandert je droom in een nachtmerrie !!

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2 reacties

The previous review is still very relevant! I have been living at Kanaalstraat 8/10 for a while now with Nico Bastiaens being my landlord. Recently he has been harrassing and insulting multiple of his tenants (including me) to great extends. The internet was not working in the house and after three weeks of being very patient, we told him we could not pay the full amount of rent, as internet is included in the rental price. He immediately started screaming and harrassing us. He is an extremely aggressive man. Nico Bastiaens turned off the electricity for all of his tenants and on that day the police had to come twice because he was being extremely aggressive. The police confirmed to us that he is known to them and that he does these things to his tenants on a regular basis. Nico Bastiaens did not have any respect for the police either, lying to and yelling at them as well. Living in fear of an aggressive landlord is terrible, so if there is any way you can avoid living at Kanaalstraat 8/10 with Nico Bastiaens as your landlord, you definitely should not sign a contract with this man!

The previous review is still very relevant! I have been living at Kanaalstraat 8/10 for a while now with Nico Bastiaens being my landlord. Recently he has been harrassing and insulting multiple of his tenants (including me) to great extends. The internet was not working in the house and after three weeks of being very patient, we told him we could not pay the full amount of rent, as internet is included in the rental price. He immediately started screaming and harrassing us. He is an extremely aggressive man. Nico Bastiaens turned off the electricity for all of his tenants and on that day the police had to come twice because he was being extremely aggressive. The police confirmed to us that he is known to them and that he does these things to his tenants on a regular basis. Nico Bastiaens did not have any respect for the police either, lying to and yelling at them as well. Living in fear of an aggressive landlord is terrible, so if there is any way you can avoid living at Kanaalstraat 8/10 with Nico Bastiaens as your landlord, you definitely should not sign a contract with this man!

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